venerdì 27 gennaio 2017

Microsoft: Aggiornamento Windows 10 (PC) Insider Preview (Build 15019)

E' disponibile il download della Build 15019 di Windows 10 (PC) Insider Preview per i Windows Insiders, pronti a testarla (Microsoft-Blog compreso).

  • Built-in Beam streaming: Beam è il modo più veloce e facile di trasmettere una partita e da questa build è possibile avviarlo dalla Game Bar sia su PC (Win + G) sia su Xbox One;
  • Nuova sezione "Giochi" nelle impostazioni: tale sezione è visibile nelle impostazioni con il logo di Xbox e contiene le opzioni della Game Bar, DVR, Game Mode, Broadcasting e Streaming;

  • Game Mode: l'obiettivo è quello di rendere Windows 10 il migliore dedicato al gaming. Con questa modalità è possibile ottimizzare il PC per migliorare le prestazioni durante l'esecuzione di un gioco. E' possibile abilitare questa funzionalità dalla Game Bar (prima va attivata dalle impostazioni) per le App UWP e Win32;

  • Miglioramento del supporto a schermo intero per la Game Bar: aumenta il numero dei titoli che supportano questa barra, questi sono gli ultimi aggiunti:
  1. Battlefield 3;
  2. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2;
  3. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Zombie);
  4. FIFA 14;
  5. FIFA Manager 14;
  6. FIFA 17;
  7. Grim Dawn;
  8. Guild Wars 2;
  9. Left 4 Dead 2;
  10. MapleStory;
  11. Paragon;
  12. PAYDAY 2;
  13. Rocket League;
  14. The Elder Scrolls Online;
  15. The Sims 4;
  16. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege;
  17. Warface.

  • Microsoft Edge legge ad alta voce: lo hanno richiesto gli Insiders la settimana scorsa ed ecco che la funzionalità è stata aggiunta in questa build, ora Microsoft Edge può leggere ad alta voce l'E-Book. Basta premere il pulsante "Leggere ad alta voce" in alto a destra dopo l'aerptura di un E-Book per ascoltare la lettura e tale supporto è esteso a tutti i file EPUB che non fanno parte dello Store. Per il momento le lingue supportare sono:
  1. ar-EG;
  2. ca-ES;
  3. da-DK;
  4. de-DE;
  5. en-AU;
  6. en-CA;
  7. en-GB;
  8. en-IN;
  9. en-US;
  10. es-ES;
  11. es-MX;
  12. fi-FI;
  13. fr-CA;
  14. fr-FR;
  15. it-IT;
  16. ja-JP;
  17. nb-NO;
  18. nl-BE;
  19. nl-NL;
  20. pt-BR;
  21. pt-PT;
  22. sv-SE;
  23. tr-TR;
  24. zh-CN.
  • Microsoft Edge e le emoji: ora vengono visualizzate emoji a colori, aggiornate di default sui siti web che le utilizzano;

  • Continua il miglioramento delle schermate di installazione di Windows (OOBE) : Windows Out-Of-Box Experience continua il migliormento dell'esperienza di utilizzo durante la prima configurazione del PC:
  1. Privacy: le nuove impostazioni di privacy;

  2. Wi-Fi Captive Portal: durante la connessione ad un Wi-Fi Hotspot, OOBE si sposterà in una pagina browser e permettere all'utente di avere accesso alla connessione. Sono stati aggiunti anche alcuni aggiornamenti che consentono di configurare qualche proprietà base della connessione Wi-Fi durante la OOBE;
  3. Login / Login Microsoft Account: i flussi di accesso in OOBE sono stati aggiornati ad un nuovo design per Windows 10 Creators Update. Gli utenti vedranno che queste esperienze sono impaginate e semplificate che migliorano l'accessibilità;
  4. Iscrizione Windows Hello: gli utenti ora possono iscriversi a Windows Hello utilizzando il nuovo design di implementazione per Windows 10 Creators Update con Cortana e supporto input locale;
  5. Aggiornamento voce: gli audio in questa build sono stati registrati da voci di attori, in maniera tale da rendere il tutto più amichevole e con una migliore intonazione (sostituendo quelle sintetiche della Build 15002);
  6. Sottotitoli: lo scopo principale di questa nuova progettazione di OOBE è migliorare l'accessibilità e questa build supporta i sottotitoli per garantire un'esperienza ottimale ai non udenti.
  • Luce blu diventa Luce notturna: per avere un'idea più chiara di questa impostazione, è stata rinominata in "Luce notturna". Sono stati apportati alcuni miglioramenti tra cui la possibilità di avere un'anteprima dell'impostazione prima di applicare la modifica; 

  • Ridimensionamento della finestra Hyper-V: è possibile ridimensionare velocemente la finestra della macchina virtuale mentre il sistema operativo, contenuto all'interno, aggiusta automaticamente la risoluzione. Per fare ciò, è necessario essere connessi alla macchina virtuale e in modalità sessione avanzata;

  • Barra progresso download delle App e Giochi dello Store nel Centro operativo: con la Build 15007 gli sviluppatori possono inviare delle notifiche toast con un indicatore di stato per mostrare il progresso, come ad esempio il download. Da questa build è possibile verificare l'avanzamento del download delle App e Giochi dello Store nel Centro operativo;

  • Miglioramento del Troubleshooting: la sezione per la risoluzione dei problemi del Pannello di Controllo è stata spostata nelle Impostazioni;

  • Miglioramento dei DPI alti per i professionisti IT: con la Build 15002 è stata l'opzione che permette a Windows di forzare il ridimensionamento dei DPI in quanto alcune applicazione potrebbero effettuare un rendering sfocato. Questo funziona solo nelle App che utilizzano GDI. Da questa build è possibile abilitarla o disabilitarla anche da Windows ADK per professionisti IT.
Fix Miglioramenti:
  • We fixed an issue where connecting an Xbox 360 or Xbox One Controller to your PC would cause the DWM to crash, resulting in your display flickering and/or appearing blank or black.
  • We fixed an issue where with certain games if you used Alt + Tab to change focus to a different window, you could see both the newly focused window and the game flicker.
  • We fixed an issue where when using Microsoft Edge with Narrator, you might hear “no item in view” or silence while tabbing or using other navigation commands.
  • We fixed an issue where pasting on top of selected text in a Web Note would result in Microsoft Edge crashing.
  • We fixed an issue that prevented some users from viewing streams in Microsoft Edge.
  • We fixed an issue from recent builds where Microsoft Edge would crash when sharing a PDF.
  • We’ve updated the e-book viewer in Microsoft Edge so that if you’ve clicked on an image, you can now Ctrl + Mouse wheel to zoom.
  • We fixed an issue where typing [ into the F12 Developer Tools window wouldn’t work when using the Hungarian keyboard.
  • Custom scaling has been migrated from Control Panel to now be a subpage in Display Settings.
  • We fixed an issue where Taskbar preview icons were unexpectedly small on high-DPI devices.
  • To help save characters when typing in fields with a character limit, we’ve added a new ellipsis child key for Latin-based languages (such as English, German, and French) when you press and hold the period key on the touch keyboard.
  • We fixed an issue where in certain UWP apps, tapping outside of a text box currently with focus while in tablet mode wouldn’t dismiss the touch keyboard.
  • We fixed a typo in the new compatibility option to override high DPI scaling behavior for GDI-based apps.
  • We fixed an issue where newly pinned secondary tiles (for example, a pinned page from Settings) would unexpectedly appear in Start’s Recently Added list.
  • We’ve polished the animation when moving tiles in and out of folders on Start, and fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to drag the final tile out of a folder onto the same row as the folder tile.
  • We fixed an issue from Build 15014 where using Hey Cortana might result in SpeechRuntime.exe using an unexpected amount of CPU.
  • We fixed an issue where, with a maximized Notepad window and enough text to require a scrollbar, the right-most edge of the scrollbar wouldn’t do anything when dragged in an attempt to scroll.
  • We fixed an issue where, after pressing Alt to set focus to the menu bar, certain apps could become unresponsive if then pressing Ctrl or clicking inside the app’s child window.
  • We fixed an issue where Cortana might crash when slowly typing out a UNC path that has already been typed out and opened through Cortana once before.
  • We fixed an issue where Default apps Settings would crash of you clicked an app under “Choose default app” and selected the option to look for an app in the Store.
  • We’ve updated Themes settings page to now contain a link to the Store to find more themes to download.
  • We fixed an issue where certain apps might crash after using the Open dialog to rename and open a folder.
  • We fixed an issue where Win + Shift + S wouldn’t work if the mode in Snipping Tool was set to something other than Rectangle.
  • We fixed an issue where you could end up with multiple Snipping Tool processes open after using Win + Shift + S and hitting Esc to stop the snip.
  • We fixed an issue where certain file attributes, such as +s, would be lost when copying or moving a folder to a different partition.
  • We fixed an issue where using Command Prompt with certain fonts could result in conhost.exe unexpectedly using a lot of CPU.
  • We updated Dial Settings to now list customized apps alphabetically.
  • We fixed an issue with Windows Ink where undoing and redoing a point erase could result in the ink reappearing in an unexpected order.
  • We improved Screen Sketch copy reliability.
  • We fixed an issue some insiders may have experienced recently with the mouse and keyboard sometimes going unresponsive for a few seconds at a time.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in certain apps crashing when you switched to Tablet Mode.
  • We fixed an issue where calendar appointments marked as Tentative or Out of Office were showing up as Free in the Taskbar clock and calendar flyout.
  • We fixed an issue where, if multiple folders were selected in Background Settings under Slideshow mode, slideshow would not work.
  • We fixed an issue where you could see the page flash when navigating from and back to Themes Settings.
  • We fixed an issue where the Bluetooth & other devices Settings page unexpectedly said “Systemsettings.Viewmodel.settingentry” at the bottom.
  • We’ve improved Settings reliability.
  • We fixed an issue where, when using Phonetic as the sorting method with the zh-tw display language, the clock on the lock screen wouldn’t appear.
  • Based on feedback, we’ve adjusted the look of the Virtual Touchpad to make the left/right buttons more visible.
  • We’ve fixed an issue that could result in the Netflix app crashing on launch. Try again and it should work. We also fixed an issue where on certain hardware types, the Netflix app would crash when starting a movie.
  • The game DOTA2 should now launch normally.
  • IMPORTANT: The download progress indicator shown when downloading this build is currently broken under Settings > Update & security > Windows Update. It may look like you’re getting stuck at 0% or at other percentages. Ignore the indicator and be patient. The build should download fine and the installation should kick off.
  • After updating to this build, nonstop exceptions in the Spectrum.exe service may occur causing PCs to lose audio, disk I/O usage to become very high, and apps like Microsoft Edge to become unresponsive when doing certain actions such as opening Settings. As a workaround to get out of this state, you can delete C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Spectrum\PersistedSpatialAnchors and reboot.
  • Some Windows Insiders may have had trouble connecting to certain Google sites due to an implementation of a new security model being rolled out to further enhance user security. The team is working on a resolution. In the meantime, users can access these sites from an InPrivate tab.
  • Extensions in Microsoft Edge do not work in this build. Extensions may appear to load but will not function as expected. This issue should be fixed in the next Insider release build we release. If you depend on extensions in Microsoft Edge, we recommend skipping this build. You can pause Insider Preview builds by going to Settings > Updates & security > Windows Insider Program, clicking on “Stop Insider Preview builds”, and choosing “Pause updates for a bit”.
  • Microsoft Edge F12 tools may intermittently crash, hang, and fail to accept inputs.
  • Microsoft Edge’s “Inspect Element” and “View Source” options don’t correctly launch to the DOM Explorer and Debugger, respectively.
  • Windows Insiders will unexpectedly see a “Mixed Reality” entry on the main page of Settings.
  • Some captive portal Wi-Fi networks may fail to connect during OOBE. If a captive portal network is using DNS hijacking to redirect to a secure site, the captive portal app will crash and the user cannot clear the portal.
  • Yes/No voice commands in the Wi-Fi portion of OOBE are currently failing.
  • Quicken 2016 will fail to run with an error stating .NET 4.6.1 is not installed. For Insiders familiar with Registry Editor, there is an optional workaround. Take ownership of the following registry keys and edit the “version” value to be 4.6.XXXXX instead of 4.7.XXXXX:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full
Note: Please take caution when editing the registry. Changing the wrong value can have unexpected and undesirable results.
  • Dragging apps from the all apps list to pin on Start’s tile grid won’t work. For now, please right-click on the desired app in order to pin it.
  • Some Tencent apps and games may crash or work incorrectly on this build.
  • Under Settings > Update & security > Windows Update you might see the text “Some Settings are managed by your organization” even though your PC isn’t being managed by an organization. This is a bug caused by an updated flight configuration setting for Insider Preview builds and does not mean your PC is being managed by anyone.
  • On some PCs, audio stops working sporadically with ‘device in use’ error”. We are investigating. Restarting the audio service may fix things for a bit.
  • The Action Center may sometimes appear blank and transparent without color. If you encounter this, try moving the taskbar to a different location on screen.
  • ADDED: For the update to Build 15019, there have been two issues surrounding Windows Update that have arise: 1.) You may see an error such as 0xC1900401, or a note that the build is not yet available for your device 2.) Your PC scans and finds Build 15019, but it appears to hang on “Initializing…” and doesn’t appear to begin downloading the build.
  • Popular games may experience crashes or black screens when trying to load due to a platform issue.
  • When clicking on certain elements in desktop (Win32) games, the game minimizes and cannot be restored.
  • Game Mode is enabled system wide by default, however, the ON/OFF toggle in Settings will incorrectly show it as being OFF until the user manually toggles the Setting to ON which will cause it to update and accurately display the status of Game Mode system wide.
  • Broadcasting to Beam via the Game bar currently requires a number of Privacy settings to be changed.
  • Certain hardware configurations may cause the broadcast live review window in the Game bar to flash Green while you are Broadcasting. This does not affect the quality of your broadcast and is only visible to the Broadcaster.
Microsoft ringrazia i Windows Insiders che continuano a inviare i Feedback su problemi e suggerimenti che contribuiscono a migliorare l'OS.