E' disponibile il download della Build 15226 di Windows 10 (Mobile) Insider Preview per i Windows Insiders, pronti a testarla sui propri smartphone Windows.
Nessuna novità.
Nessuna novità.
Fix e Miglioramenti:
- This build also includes all the improvements from KB4022725.
- We fixed an issue where some apps could not subscribe to SMS receive notifications.
- We fixed an issue for Windows Insiders where some binaries stopped working when transitioning from Insider Preview builds to officially released builds.
- We fixed an audio issue with Bluetooth headphones after Cortana reads an incoming SMS message to the user.
- In some cases, the WeChat app may crash on launch.
Microsoft ringrazia i Windows Insiders che continuano a inviare i Feedback su problemi e suggerimenti che contribuiscono a migliorare l'OS.