giovedì 17 novembre 2016

Microsoft: Aggiornamento Windows 10 (PC) Insider Preview (Build 14971)

E' disponibile il download della Build 14971 di Windows 10 (PC) Insider Preview per i Windows Insiders, pronti a testarla (Microsoft-Blog compreso).

  • Lettura degli eBook in Microsoft Edge con formato ePub: il browser permette nativamente di leggere il formato PDF e ora è possibile leggere libri non protetti in formato ePub. E' possibile personalizzare l'esperienza di lettura con la dimensione del carattere e scegliere 3 temi: Chiaro, Scuro e Seppia. In più è possibile lasciare dei segnalibri, navigare attraverso il sommario e definire le parole grazie a Cortana;
  • App Paint 3D Preview pre-installata: da questa build, l'App è pre-installata. Attualmente è disponibile solo in Inglese ma presto saranno supportate altre lingue;
  • PowerShell in Esplora Risorse: per una migliore esperienza con la riga di comandi, è stato sostituito il Prompt dei Comandi con PowerShell in Esplora Risorse. Di default viene richiamato con la combinazione WIN + X, si trova nel menu di Esplora Risorse, nel menu contestuale che appare quando viene premuto SHIFT DESTRO + Click Tasto Destro in uno punto vuoto della finestra di Esplora Risorse e infine quando nella barra degli indirizzi viene digitato "cmd" oppure "powershell". Per coloro che preferiscono continuare ad utilizzare il Prompt dei Comandi è possibile cambiare la combinazione WIN + X andando in "Impostazioni => Personalizzazione => Taskbar" e disattivare "Sostituisci il prompt dei comandi con Windows PowerShell nel menu quando si fa clic con il pulsante destro del mouse nell'angolo inferiore sinistro o si preme il tasto WINDOWS + X";
  • Miglioramenti dell'esperienza di digitazione per Input Editor Giapponese e Cinese;
  • Nuova App Ottieni Office: è disponibile la nuova versione dell'App Ottieni Office (17.7614.2377.0). Se prima era una semplice raccolta di link per aiutare l'utente, ora permette di esplorare e gestire la propria esperienza Office. Possono essere aperti gli ultimi documenti aperti e aprire le Apps tutto in unico posto.
Fix e Miglioramenti:
  • First introduced to Insiders in Build 14926, the experimental “Snooze” action on a tab in Microsoft Edge which provides you with a way to set a Cortana reminder on the website you are viewing is no longer available. Based on data we gathered and feedback we received, we decided to remove it from the product and re-evaluate the feature for a future release.
  • We’ve improved reliability when using the protractor and inking in Sketchpad.
  • We’ve updated some of our desktop wizards (including “map a network drive” and “extract from zip”) to now be proportionally sized when moved across monitors.
  • We fixed an issue where Magnifier’s keyboard shortcuts sometimes wouldn’t work on the Lock screen.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in sometimes not being able to completely remove files in the Windows.old folder using Disk Cleanup.
  • We have enabled OAuth support for Yahoo Mail accounts. This will improve sync reliability for those accounts, and provide a more secure experience in the Outlook Mail app.
  • We fixed an issue where trying to shut down the PC while certain Device Manager dialog boxes were open would result in the PC being stuck at the “Restarting…” screen.
  • We fixed an issue where, as closing multiple tabs with middle click in Microsoft Edge, the width of the tabs might change, resulting in potentially unexpectedly closing the wrong tab.
  • We fixed an issue where the copy link option when right-clicking a hyperlink in Microsoft Edge wasn’t work.
  • We fixed an issue where, if you changed the size of the Microsoft Edge window, and then closed the app by closing the final tab, the next time Microsoft Edge is launched it would once again be the default size, rather than retaining the preferred window size.
  • We fixed an issue where pinned tabs in Microsoft Edge were not being restored.
  • We’ve made a number of translation improvements, including for Chinese speakers fixing a translation error in the dialog that appears when installing multiple fonts at once, as well as one in Settings > System > Battery. If you see any other translations that aren’t as you’d expect, please log feedback – we’re listening!
  • We fixed an issue where, if you already hand a notification expanded in the Action Center, clicking the chevron to expand a second notification would result in it expanding then immediately closing.
  • We fixed an issue where preferred Start menu width might not be preserved after rebooting.
  • Navigating to Settings > System > Battery will crash the Settings app.
  • Using keyboard monitor hotkeys to adjust brightness won’t work as expected. Desired brightness change could be done via the Action Center or by going to Settings > System > Display.
  • Apps such as Store, Photos, and People may launch on their own after your PC has been inactive for a period of time. To stop these apps from launching on their own, un-maximize the app before closing it.
  • Double-clicking on an Excel document to open it from File Explorer will crash Microsoft Excel. The workaround is to open the document from within Excel.
  • Microsoft Studios games like Microsoft Sudoku, Jigsaw, Minesweeper, Taptiles, and Treasure Hunt may freeze at the splash screen on launch.
  • As we have previously announced we are working on the Windows Holographic Shell that is going to be included in the upcoming Windows 10 Creators Update. In today’s flight you will see the Windows Holographic First Run app. While you will be able to launch the app and walk through the first few screens, it won’t detect any hardware. This app and the Windows Holographic Shell is still under active development here at Microsoft and with our partners.
Microsoft ringrazia i Windows Insiders che continuano a inviare i Feedback su problemi e suggerimenti che contribuiscono a migliorare l'OS.